This submission has officially been listen to & judged by the Cymatics team.

Over You

I wanted the introduction of this song to be soft, since the voice used is not aggressive. In the first breakdown there is a small change to give the feeling that something great is going to come later. In the build up I made the same melodies that I used in the breakdown become aggressive so that the jump to the drop is not so sudden, but rather that everything escalates. It is something soft that becomes aggressive. Until we reach the most aggressive part, which is the drop. I'll let you be impacted by the energy that the drop transmits, I'm not going to describe it hahaha The second breakdown after the drop includes a lead as the protagonist, which enters with a fade in so that the change is not felt as much and the transition is more natural. Then build up with the Chorus vocals until you reach the drop again. This has been my entry described, but it doesn't compare to listening to it.

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